Quotes and Database Sign Up

Welcome to our website where our goal is to offer our clients quality service and affordable pricing. Our professional staff and full service capability can help you with any service(s) you require. To get a quote, please call or e-mail us.

Thank you for visiting our web site, we hope you will take the time to sign up to be a part of our database. Renee' Enterprises seeks out your opinion on products and services at the request of our clients. By filling out our sign up form you can become part of our database. We use this database to help us find people who meet certain qualifications to participate in a different research studies.

If you would like more information about market research, marketing research, and Renee' Enterprises, please call or e-mail us your request for more information or to sign up for our database.

Your personal information is kept strictly confidential. We do not supply telemarketers or advertisers with any of your personal information.

3268 Duncan Williams Road Email:
Memphis, TN 38119 info@reneeenterprises.com
Telephone/Fax: (901)737-9831 creid@reneeenterprises.com